Ex-Family Feud and Keyboard Warriors

Ex-Family Feud and Keyboard Warriors It’s been a while since I last updated on the situation with the biological mother and her unruly daughter. Unfortunately, the issues are still ongoing with the biological mother’s trainwreck daughter continuing to spread hate and talk negatively about me and my daughter and others. These individuals are truly despicable; […]

UPDATE! On Former Family Drama

UPDATE! On Former Family Drama I had hoped that things would have improved with my former family members by now. But they are the kind of people who never take responsibility for their actions and always try to blame others for their own shady behavior. Anyone who tries to call them out on it is […]

FairyTale Brownies Fall Gluten-Free Morsel 24

FairyTale Brownies Fall Gluten-Free Morsel 24   For years, I have struggled with my gluten intolerance and finding delicious treats that are also gluten-free. That’s why I was thrilled when Fairytale Brownies released their line of gluten-free brownies. They offer both chocolate chip and cream cheese flavors and let me tell you, they are the […]

Ending the Drama

Ending the Drama     Lately, I’ve been reflecting on the tumultuous relationship between the biological mother and her daughter, and I’ve come to a decision. I will be the one to put an end to this constant drama. It’s clear that these people have tried to tear apart my family and myself, but I […]

Electric Motors Catalyst & CINEMOOD Portable Movie Theater

One of the ways to help children during the formative years is to provide them with items that will help their creativity faculty and also provide the entertainment. Children should be engaged to help them in thinking outside the box. School is crucial, but it is not the only contributing factors to making the children […]

Red Heart and Bernat Yarn (Red Heart Heat Wave Yarn, Red Hot)

Are you a knitter looking for high-quality yarn for an enhanced knitting experience? Do you want to take your knitting to the next level? Are you searching for a revolutionary yarn that is activated by the sun for your next homemade projects? Do not search any further, Red Heart Heat Wave Yarn and Bernat Alize […]


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