Laurali's Creations & Product Reviews

UPDATE! On Former Family Drama

UPDATE! On Former Family Drama

I had hoped that things would have improved with my former family members by now. But they are the kind of people who never take responsibility for their actions and always try to blame others for their own shady behavior. Anyone who tries to call them out on it is met with hostility and denial. These individuals are emotionally draining to deal with. I don’t know how I managed to survive their manipulation back in 1999 and early 2000 when email and Myspace were just starting up and they used both platforms to harass me. It’s ironic because, at the time, my only real family consisted of my three children, husband, and mother-in-law, who all witnessed the torment these people put me through. As a mother, I could never stoop to their level and harm my own children like the bio-mother has done to me since I was a child – this has been an ongoing issue with her. It makes you wonder – if she had such a difficult upbringing herself, wouldn’t she want to make sure her own children had a better life? My grandparents may not have been perfect and we were definitely not well-off, but I believe that because of their poverty, their daughters felt the need to act superior to them – a truly sad situation.

The bio-mom’s daughter is constantly in a petty competition with others, acting like a middle schooler picking fights over who looks better, acts better, and has nicer things. She loves to criticize and belittle people, accusing them of being all talk but no action. Her mind seems stuck in childhood, despite being 40 years old and smoking copious amounts of marijuana. It gets tiring dealing with her ignorance and lies. She thinks she can manipulate people, but I see right through her deceit. She claims to be friends with some people, but she actually went behind my back and spoke poorly about me to at least five individuals. Ironically enough, one of those people happens to be married to a police officer in North Carolina who won’t tolerate her behavior. The funny thing is, that they have multiple fake accounts on Facebook that they use to harass and stalk me and my daughter. I’ve already reported two of these accounts coming from her IP address and location.” Despite calling others keyboard warriors, she spends all her time online, constantly posting and telling people to “F off,” accompanied by immature gestures only teenagers would make, despite being a 40-year-old. 

I couldn’t care less about these people; they are just as bad as the issues our country is facing. They have even gone so far as to send me death threats in June 2023 and driven by my house multiple times. It’s absurd because we live in a small town with a population of only 7,450 people, while their town has 8,318 people and more businesses. I know that eventually, we will run into each other since we all shop at the same few stores, but let me make it clear that I am not one to make threats – I am more mature than that. What I’m trying to say is that sooner or later, we will cross paths. Additionally, we all have regular lives and don’t spend our time on social media spewing hate like it has been insinuated. We also don’t believe that going to church automatically makes you a Christian – this is something that many preachers have told me. Furthermore, we don’t post indirect comments about who will or won’t enter Heaven’s gates.  It saddens me that these individuals attack others based on their beliefs without truly knowing them. The Bible also addresses the issue of gluttony, condemning it as excessive and indulgent consumption of food and drink. Proverbs 23:20-21 warns against overindulgence, stating, “Don’t hang out with drunkards or gluttons, for they will come to poverty and end up wearing rags.”

I have found true peace in my life since I distanced myself from these individuals. Not only do we each own our own businesses, but there are multiple businesses among us. It was twelve years before 2013 since I cut ties with them. Then on June 27, 2013, I allowed them back in and our life was blissful without their presence. However, even now, eleven years later, there are still some disturbances caused by a persistent stalker who relies solely on her mother to provide for her needs: phone, food, clothing, housing, and even pets. But the day will come when her support system is no longer there, and then all this madness will finally cease. People often think they will live forever with someone taking care of them without considering what they would do if that person were no longer around. But the truth is, no one lives forever; it’s the cycle of life. We are born and we die; that’s just how it is.

I’ve had conversations with five different deputies about the situation and asked them all the same questions regarding the biological mother and my statement that I wouldn’t care if she died. They all said the same thing: it’s just a figure of speech and not a wish or a threat because everyone says things like that about people they dislike. It’s human nature. Of course, I wouldn’t shed any tears for her because there are certain people who you have to emotionally detach from, and that’s precisely what I’ve done permanently. It’s called self-love and self-healing from the trauma I endured as both a child and an adult. I want nothing from her; I never want to be associated with her or anyone in her so-called family. 

Some people are so miserable with their own lives that they lash out at others. My family and I choose to keep ourselves busy and not waste our time or energy on being keyboard warriors. If someone spreads false information about us, we will address it and set the record straight. However, we don’t spend all day on social media because it’s uninteresting and the majority of the individuals on there are either stalkers, trolls, ex-family members, ex-partners, teachers, bosses, or involved in politics. Those who post hateful and slanderous things about others must lead very dull lives. At the end of the day, while you are spreading hate, we are living our own fulfilling lives without relying on anyone else.

I considered sharing screenshots, but I didn’t want to stoop to their level. Please, move forward and stop the trolling and stalking of my Facebook and website. To prove my point, I’ll leave this here: I have two applications that reveal the existence of fake Facebook accounts that have been repeatedly visiting my page. It’s fortunate to have tech-savvy friends who can help me with these things.

Disclaimer: I was not compensated for this post. However, I received a free product(s) in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions expressed in my blog or review are 100% of Laurali’s Blog


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