Everyone knows the drama that I have been posting about on my website and social media. If you haven’t seen it you can go back on my posts and read them if you like to better understand what I have been going through with my biological mother and her douchenozzle daughter that is always posting hate about me and my family.
So last week I was told that my house was posted on Rebecca Smith Facebook Page this is a FAKE ACCOUNT created by Lele Tadlock. https://www.facebook.com/rebecca.smith.682442
The link above is one of many of her fake accounts on social media. I have been dealing with so much out of Lele Tadlock and her mother since March 2023. The thing about all of the drama from that end is this would have already stopped had her douchenozzle daughter would have stopped harassing me and my daughter. But because her mother didn’t teach her any better she thinks she is above the law and can do things and get away with it and there wouldn’t be any consequenses to her actions. Her mother is the same one that was okay with her grandson supposedly murdering another human being. What bothers me about that part is she had a daughter murdered and wasn’t okay with the woman walking the streets but she wanted her grandson out and claimed it was self defense? But again she is okay with her grandson murdering someone make that make sense. I’m still puzzled by this I have all the court documents from when her daughter was murdered with all documents that were given to me before the trial with my sister murder trial.
I even have the paperwork where the biological mother ripped the state off making claims she was in need of medicines because she couldn’t work due to anxiety! My sister that was murdered father wasn’t allowed those same funds as the biological mother? I wasn’t able to get help and I saw the crime scene with all the blood everywhere! I have never seen anything like that in my life! That was my sisters blood everywhere all over the door, walls, floors, car and in the yard! But she needed the help more than any of us?! Like WHAT THE HELL who is she GOD? NOT!
No one will ever understand what me and my husband seen that day. For years I had nightmares and I was given anxiety medication because of what I saw its in my medical file. People have no clue that is forever imprinted in my brain its a forever imagine that is etched in my brain. I live with it and have for 26 years this June 27th. But again the biological mother ripped the state off with them paying for her being out of work due to her daughter being murdered and them paying for her medication. Yes I said what I said and I have all the proof even the itemized list of everything that was paid for. It was all part of the paperwork that was sent to me. Of course I can’t share it because there is a lot personal information that makes it where I can’t share it but I have it from the state and my sisters father gave me everything he even had a copy also. My point being these people have always acted like they were above the law.
I have several screenshots I want to share with everyone of what I have been dealing with out of these people. Like I have stated before these people think they get to me not hardly I sit back and laugh at the amount of ignorance these people do to try and gain attention SMH! These are the same people that have a murderer living in their house with a minor. These same people have the doushenozzle that has many charges of shoplifting at Walmart and stealing from others. This same doushenozzle daughter does MJ and drinks. The doushenozzle is the one. that got her son hooked on drinking and MJ heck his own grandmother said as long as it does it at home it was okay?! What like he was UNDER AGE and they all were okay with it even we tried to say that was a bad idea but look how he ended up as a murderer and messing with under age girls. I wish you would come at me and say it’s not true when the charges are still pending. Check public index https://www.sccourts.org/case-records-search/ I won’t put the county but I have posted where the murder took place before if you know you know.
I make no apologizes for what I have said about the doushenozzle daughter and her mother. My life was so much better before I allowed her back into my life after not talking to her for 12 years. I really wish I had listened to my inner soul when I knew it wasn’t a good idea but my husband told me to make sure they knew my step father had committed suicide that they may not have known but in reality they knew and knew more details than others did. That should have been the first clue I should have walked away and blocked her. But something in the back of my mind told me to keep my guard up because she has always done shady things to me and my family. In 1992 she evicted me and my family off her husband’s property gave us 10 days to move our mobile home that she tried to keep and that didn’t work because my brother in law and sister in law put the home in their name and we paid to have it moved to the county we have been in since 1992. Then we didn’t speak for a while then once again I tried and it didn’t work out and I stopped talking to her because she tried to ruin the situation with my father and yes she contacted them and spooked them. That isn’t a fake rumor his wife sent me a letter with the call and number with a recording imagine that. I have so much that her head would be like a swivel. Then when my sister died I had to shut the lunatic off once again because she was making comments. that were worriesome about running with my sister’s son who was a toddler at that time that I had full custody of so for his safety we didn’t allow her visits with him. Then she would see us in public places and shove a camera in his face and try to make it like she was this carry grandparent SMH not hardly! No I didn’t allow him to see her and neither did his dad’s family. His dad took him to see her once as he did me so she never got to know him like we did. From that point I didn’t want a relationship with the biological mother because she was never a MOTHER more like a manipulator, dictator and abuser. She makes claims she never abused me but she definitely did. Like I have said in previous posts she was one that would throw all you clothing in the floor out of your dresser drawer and leave a pile because something wasn’t folded to her liking or was disorganized. She was one that allowed her husband to SA me while she was in her bedroom. Now mind you this woman never slept she was up all hours of the night either painting her ceramics, cleaning, reorganizing rooms or sewing on her sewing machine. She makes a lot excuses and claims that nothing ever happened to me or my sister. But my therapist stated differently and it was documented so I don’t care what she claims. As I have stated before everything I have written about is all truths no lies have been told.
I thought about adding screenshots of the latest issues but it truly wouldn’t do any good you can look her name up as well as her mothers name on Facebook and see all the crap they posts daily and the amount of encouragement her mother gives the doushenozzle to keep her pumped in posting hate is what is puzzling to me. Like I have said before the biological mother has always been a controlling person and she is also a manipulator and tries to control everything around her including her doushenozzle daughter that she puts up to doing her dirty work. This is something she has always done to her children she plays them against each other and that way she keeps them hating each other something she tried to do with Jaime against me and doushenozzle against me and Jaime. I can’t tell you how many times Jaime and I both had to deal with the crap from doushenozzle was insane. But it was what her mother pushed for! Myself as a mother I couldn’t play my children or grandchildren against the other one for what good reason? For pure meanness is all I can think of the reason the biological mother does it because she is truly a misrable soul is all I can’t come up with at this point.
I’m 56 year old and I can’t imagine treating my children differently from the other one. Each one of my children are different and same goes for my grandchildren. But it doesn’t me I love them less or differently. That is what makes me so mad about the biological mother she had 5 children and she didn’t treat 4 of us right the 5th one she basically treated her like she was some golden egg which in reality she was the most sour egg because no one liked her. I can’t speak for my brother that is alive how he feels about doushenozzle because honestly he has never had to be around her to deal with the crazy shit she does. My sister Jaime put up with a lot of shit out of doushenozzle. I came across a letter a while back where Jaime talked about doushenozzle being terrible and Jaime had to have her mother come and get doushenozzle from Boone, N.C. Oh yea Jaime was done with doushenozzle.
Well I will post more Saturday evening. To whom the attorneys watching I hope your eyes are full. Because none of you worry me because everything I post is TRUTH and I have proof so keep watching I don’t care but just know I know which firms they are and who and where they are all located.
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